FAQ: The Historic and Theological Foundations for the Protection of the Unborn

Join us on October 8th as we resume our in our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) series. In each FAQ, we will address a current topic of our culture. The goal is to equip our people to see the world from a Biblical perspective, engaging the topic through the lens of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
FAQ: The Historic and Theological Foundations for the Protection of the Unborn
For millennia, Christians have upheld the ideal of defending the voiceless and vulnerable, particularly (though not limited to) children. How did this peculiar commitment develop, and how does it apply to Christians today? In this FAQ we will examine the theological and historic foundations of protecting the lives of children and the implications of this commitment in our day and time.
Sun, Oct 8th @ 2:00pm
Franklin Church
7171 Central College Rd
New Albany, OH 43054