LEAD: Leaders Embracing Action and Doctrine

Please prayerfully consider joining Pastor David for 4 evenings – July 31, August 8, August 14 and August 21 – for 90 mins at the NAPC church office to study the Bible, the Westminster Confession of Faith, and our book of order. Below is a an overview of NAPC LEAD – its purpose, content and dates:
NAPC LEAD — Leaders Embracing Action and Doctrine
The purposes of LEAD are to:
- Prepare men and women for the office of elder at NAPC
- Deepen understanding of Reformed theology
- Deepen understanding of Presbyterian polity and worship
- Discuss the vision and mission of NAPC so that our leaders will better understand and help implement them
- Encourage active leadership at NAPC (teaching children and youth, leading efforts in Linden or other mission efforts, small groups, etc.)
- Better equip those who teach (in JAM, youth ministry, small groups, BSF groups, etc.)
Content/Materials: Bible, Westminster Confession of Faith, The EPC Book of Order, the NAPC vision frame.
Timeframe: 4 meetings, 1.5 hours per meeting, total of 6 hours.
Dates: July 31, August 8, August 14 and August 21, 6-7:30p each time. Dinner included.
Cost: $50 per person, which covers food and materials. Please click here to sign up.
Without new and emerging leaders, NAPC’s vision and mission will not be carried forward. Please, prayerfully consider joining me. If you have a scheduling problem but are interested, let me know that as well.
Mon, Jul 31st @ 6:00pm
NAPC Church Office
5321 Harlem Rd
New Albany, OH 43054